Membership FAQs
How much is membership?
Single Farming Enterprise (up to 3 people) $99 inc gst
Individual $99 inc gst
Retired Farmer/Producer FREE
Full-time Student (under 25 years) FREE
Can I make payments online and with a credit card?
YES! Simply click on the JOIN NOW button, enter your information and payment details. Your membership will be confirmed on-the-spot. You will also be automatically be registered to receive the monthly AgKI E-news, which is exclusive to AgKI members and partners.
When can I make a payment?
Any time! The system has been setup to take your payment 24-hours / 365 days, so that we never miss out on an existing member renewing or a new member joining us.
Can I make a manual payment?
YES! Please contact Susi Whitehead, Executive Officer on 0400 197 231 to register your membership.
Please don't simply make a deposit to our account, your information will not be captured and we may not identify you as a member.
What is the system that you are using for payments?
We are using Stripe for receiving payments. Further details can be found here.
I am interested in a partnership.
Please visit Our Partners.