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AgKI Livestock & Wool Demonstration Group
AgKI are seeking Expressions of Interest from KI livestock & wool producers to be part of this exciting 12 month program that will include:-

Attending LambEx 2024 (Adelaide Convention Centre 7 - 9 Aug) for only $200 (normally $1,200)
Workshop with guest speaker to identify new technology solutions or techniques to trail and/or implement into their business
One on one follow up sessions as required over the 12 month demonstration trial
Final workshop to discuss outcomes - what worked and what didn't (and why!)
This exciting opportunity is open to ALL livestock and wool producers on Kangaroo Island. Whether you lease land and have been farming for less than 5 years or have been managing a farming business for 30 years - this program offers opportunities for everyone.
Register your interest at
This program has been made possible thanks to funding from the Department of Primary Industries and Regions.

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